I have to confess, years ago I was totally against doing business affirmations and I thought that my creativity might be stifled by having to write down specific goals.
Whoa have I changed! Today I am committed to writing my affirmations every morning and having clear and BIG goals. If you are struggling with this, maybe this post will help you change your mind a little bit like I did!
What Are Affirmations
First off lets look at what affirmations are. Affirmations are a way of phrasing your goals and dreams in the present tense so your subconscious mind can work on them as if they have come to pass already.
I did a bunch of research on this topic and found that for every scientific study that said affirming your intentions worked, there was another one that refuted that. I myself have used them effectively and so I stopped looking for validation and just kept using them!
I have very little knowledge of affirmation to help self esteem or to improve test scores in children which much of the research seems to focus on. But I do know they work for business.

Business Affirmations For Women
Business affirmations state your goals and dreams for your business as though they have already come to pass. For example, one of my business goals is to switch entirely to selling products rather than doing services like social media for clients. With this in mind, one of my daily affirmations is that “I sell $10,000 a month in digital products”.
There is a direct connection between my business intentions and what I say to my self everyday.
I use a daily planner worksheet that has big area for writing down my top 10 affirmations daily.
This accomplishes two things. First I am reminding myself at the beginning of the day of my future success and a positive outcome. Second, it sets in my brain the idea that THOSE are the important things to work on today and if I do nothing with intention towards those things, I feel a little uncomfortable.
So if I am noodling around on the internet instead of writing my newsletter (which will increase my reader base) I start to remember that connecting with old friends on Facebook, while nice, will not get me where I want to go!
How To Figure Out Your Affirmations
My mastermind partner of many years was the first one to “make” me start to figure out my intentions. She is a fitness coach and so she is used to making people set goals!
I started doing this years ago with her and now it is old hat and easy, but the first time was HARD!
Set a timer for 2 minutes and write out 10 affirmations.
There, that wasn't that hard was it? I bet it was harder than you thought. I bet you got down to the end and had a hard time on doing the last couple of them and that pulling them out felt like pulling teeth.
A couple of observations from over the years of doing this. My first 5 or so stay relatively constant until I achieve them. For example my first five daily are generally:
I make $10,000 a month from digital products
I have 10,000 Instagram followers
I have 50,000 email subscribers
I have 120,000 web hits a month
I am a respected and well paid speaker
These are concrete goals that I am working towards in my business. Surprisingly enough, doing this WILL change what you are doing (sometimes in a big way).
For example, I have a “big website” that gets about 60,000 hits per month right now and I was wondering how I could more than double that amount to get to 1200,000 a month. As I wrote that down for every morning for months I started to realize that I probably COULDN'T achieve that in any kind of realistic timeline so I started thinking about growing that one AND another site…TA DA!
So now I have that website where I talk about marketing and this one where I talk about productivity, time management and goal setting. BRILLIANT!
To Do…
Please stop what you are doing right now. Get a piece of paper and write the numbers 1-10 in order down the page. Now set a timer for two minutes and write your affirmations.
I will be here for you when you get back!
How To Use Business Affirmations Effectively
I write mine everyday and that seems to be a trigger for my brain, but that doesn't mean that this will be the best for you. Here are a few ways that you can “check” your business affirmations daily.
- Write them out every morning
- Tape them on your mirror and read them aloud to yourself everyday
- Have them on the cover of your planner and read them to yourself everyday
- Make a wave file of them and play them to yourself everyday
- Do a fiverr.com gig and get a sexy British guy to record them, listen everyday
It really doesn't matter how you do them as long as the medium works for you. The difference in why it works one way for some and another way for others is that our learning styles are all different. I have have to write and see it every day to work, other need to hear them said and still other have to feel and touch them!
Whatever your style, it is the constant and consistent daily review of your primary business goals that will make your success assured!
Get The Worksheet
If you are a visual learner like me, the greatest gift you can give yourself and your business is to clarify your business goals and write down affirmations that will help you to achieve them everyday.
This worksheet is my daily to dos sheet that I work on everyday! Top right corner is where I write down my affirmations and it really does help to make sure I am on track with my business daily.
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