Awesome printable planner pages for personal and business. To do lists and goal setting worksheets. Daily, weekly and monthly calendar and lists pages to help with productivity and success. Great for your DIY Staples ARC or 3 Ring Binder planner.
I have set up this collection of printable calendar pages for DIY printing for either the Staples ARC Notebook System or 3 ring binders.
- Right handed printing (there is a little extra margin for making the holes)
- Letter sized printing (no funny sizes to make you crazy)
- Calendar YOUR way, just buy and print the pages that work best for your business planning

The kind of paper I use is 98 bright, 32 pound (it is heavy enough to hold up and there is no bleed through).
You probably will not use all the kinds of calendars on this page. It is so fun to talk to people and find out some love working on a month view and some like the weekly or daily view.
I primarily use the weekly to work forward just one week, the three month calendar for future appointment and the daily that I had customized for my actual daily tasks!
Printable Planner Calendar Starter Kit
If you are new to setting up your planner, this is probably a great place to start. You will want to print out 2 monthly pages, 8 or 9 weekly pages and then about 30 daily pages.
There aren't 31 for each month since I don't work on the weekends so I don't need those days and sometimes I wind up putting two days on one page because I don't have that much to do.
The neat thing about this is that I am not always beating myself up that I am behind or I missed a day. If I make a mistake I just pop in a new page. If have a day where I am working more offsite or speaking at a conference, I will just lump all the little things I have to do on one page with a range of dates.
Kit includes:
- Daily Planner Page
- Weekly Planner Page
- Monthly Business Goals
Get it on Etsy >> Business Calendar Kit, Get All 3 Printable Planner Pages, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, ARC, Binder, 8.5X11, Goal & Time Management System Inserts (save $3.50 on the kit!)
Monthly Business Goals Worksheet
this is included in the Printable planner kit, but also available separately
This form is for business women who are actively working ON their business. It is an amazing way to keep track of all the moving parts and plates that we have to juggle every month. Starting with choosing a monthly theme, you can next schedule for great promotional days so you can plan featured products and product launch days. There is a super neat area for planning your monthly goals for income, sales, marketing, etc. PLUS you can make sure that you are getting things done that are necessary and essential to your business' future success.
Get it on Etsy >> Monthly Business Goals Printable Planner Sheet, ToDo List, Worksheet, Notebook, 8.5X11, Letter Sized, ARC, Binder, Productivity
Weekly Printable Planner Pages
this is included in the Printable planner kit, but also available separately
I print these out and am able to make sure at a glance that I will not be missing any vital appointments or todos. Made for creative people who are not “super organized”, using this planner system helps to make sure you don't miss anything important or drop any balls.
I really like that I can plan my business including my weekly theme ands and long term goals to make sure that I am doing things all week long that make are moving me toward my future fabulous life.
Get it on Etsy >> Weekly Printable Planner Pages – To Do List, Notebook, DIY Planners, Getting Things Done (gtd), Letter Sized, 8.5X11, ARC, Binder, PDF File
Daily Printable Planner Pages
this is included in the Printable planner kit, but also available separately
It is made as part of system for daily, weekly and monthly planner pages that honor your creativity while still making sure that nothing falls through the cracks! It is loosely based on the “Getting Things Done' model of getting everything out your head and onto paper so you can accomplish all of your goals and stop driving yourself crazy with dropping balls.
Get it on Etsy >> Daily Planner Printable Page (To Dos Today), PDF, 8.5X11″, Business, Letter Sized Print at Home, Daily Schedule. DIY Inserts & Planner Pages
A La Carte Printable Calendar Pages
There are as many ways to keep a calendar as there are stars in the sky! My friends and clients have asked for a variety of different kinds of and configurations of their calendar pages and so of course I said “yes!” and added them to the collection.
Monthly Calendar – 2 Layouts
If you are the kind of person who likes to keep a record of what is coming up, this is the perfect planner page for you.
Two layouts are included, Sunday through Saturday and Monday through Sunday! The neat thing about making your own planner is you get to customize it exactly the way that it works best for you!
Get it on Etsy >> Monthly Calendar Page For Printable Planner – 8.5X11, Letter Sized, Works With ARC Planner or 3 Ring Binder
3 Month or Quarterly Calendar – 2 Layouts
Want to keep track of your upcoming time all in one place? I use this planner page to make sure I know when the kids will be off from school, when I will be traveling for speaking and just to keep track of what I have going on in the future in general.
Two layouts are included, Sunday through Saturday and Monday through Sunday! The neat thing about making your own planner is you get to customize it exactly the way that it works best for you!
Get it on Etsy >> 3 Month Calendar – Printable Planner Sheets, 8.5X11 Letter Sized, Great For ARC or 3 Ring Binder, DIY Printing, Business, Entrepreneur
[…] used an ARC Planner System to make my Ideas Notebook. Because I have my daily planner in an ARC notebook I can just pop my ideas onto the appropriate “discs” and keep […]