Getting great printable daily planner page finalized has been challenging to say the least! It had to have some basic things like my to do list and places for my appointments, but it also had to be open enough that I could be my normal, creative and quirky self.
Scheduling Tasks With Calendars
So I use my calendar to record appointments, time sensitive projects and nothing else. Functionally if I am doing something with someone else, it goes on my online calendar that my husband and assistant can see. Additionally if I have to block out some time for a project, I will put that in, but I found that my calendar was terrible task manager.
I used to try to put all the things I had to get done in a day in there, supposedly using the time slots to show how long the task would take and “hopefully” having a record of all I accomplished.
What it turned into was a disorganized mess of things that I just kept moving until “tomorrow and tomorrow” without having a clear plan or goals that I was trying to accomplish.
Using A Daily Planner Page
Over the years I have found that using a daily planner page can drastically increase my motivation and production in my business and also at home!
Simply having one place each day to write down what I want accomplish, what I am thankful for and my appointments helps me to stay on track the way nothing else has ever done!
Rainbow Journal Daily Planner Page
When I not super stressed out about work, I like to use this fun little rainbow journal daily planner page. It is happy and bright and everything fits on there without having to feel like I should be overloaded with tasks!

It is a fun way to stay on track when my life is a little easier!
An Overall Business Plan With A Printable Classic Daily Planner Pages
The other ones I use are classic business planner pages!

I started a daily planner page template that I would be able to print out and use as time went on. There are some really snazzy features that I never knew I would want until I started using it!
Check boxes
I have always loved having little square checkboxes to use to check things off, but now that I am using more Bullet Journal techniques, I find that I love them even more!
Instead of just checking off things as they are done, I can show whether it is “not started”, “in process” or completed just by using the little boxes in creative ways.
Not Just One Day
Another thing I found about “normal” daily calendar pages was that I got to feeling sad about how little I got done on certain days. Say for instance I had a Tuesday that was jam packed full of appointments so I knew I had no time for tasks, then that day seemed liked a washout instead of the super productive workday it really was.
With that in mind, I frequently put two days on my “daily planner page”, making me see that YES there was a lot accomplished and NO I am not a lazy oaf.
Daily To Dos
If I let myself, I would have hundreds of things that I would do very day. I would do my social media follows and likes, write blog posts, make creative pictures, send personal notes, work for my clients and on and on. But there really are just so many hours in a day and having all those things as “have to dos” just means that I lose every day!
Instead I have a short list of things that I would like to get done every day. If I do them more days than not, I consider it a win! The weird thing about these kind of mundane things is that my brain thinks that being sure to download my 10 pictures from the photo sharing site daily (not important) is as important as being sure to write a blog post everyday (IMPORTANT).
And since I created that list of “todos” in a sane moment and not when I was all stressed out thinking “what HAS to get done today”? it is a really good list of things that are important to my business in the long run.

If you are the kind of person who runs from appointment to appointment everyday, this planner page might not work so well for you. But, as I rarely have more than 5 appointments per day, it works great for me! (if you do need a bigger space for appointments, comment with your info and I will see about making you a custom page!)
10 Ideas
There is a really cool thought going around lately about your “idea muscles”. It mimics the practice of going to the gym everyday helping to build muscles! The thought is that you should try and come up with 10 new ideas everyday. Now they may be for your business or just ideas in general, but the thinking is that by forcing yourself to think creatively every day, you will get better at coming up with new ideas.
I rarely have to TRY to have 10 new ideas daily so I may just fill in that spot with something else soon, but I like the concept a lot.
Affirmations (fieldgoals)
This is the MOST IMPORTANT thing I do in my business. Every day (or every other day) I write down my 10 affirmations. These are the things that I want to accomplish and are vitally important to keep in mind as I go about my days.
If I don't do this I find that I veer off track quickly. Somehow writing those goals down every day makes notice throughout the day when I am not doing something that is directly moving me towards my goals!
I WAY overestimate what I can accomplish during a day. If I had 25 lines to write down to dos (remembering that these are in addition to the things that I already said I want to do daily) I would fill up all those lines and then some.
I like having a limited amount of space to write my to dos and just put things further out if they are not important.
If you struggle with too many things to do, you might want to check out my “Where did my time go” form that will walk you through judging if things are urgent and important to do!
Boughts and Solds
Last but not least are the boughts and solds. This reminds me to keep my eye on the prize as a business owner… making money! I am not extremely motivated by money so having to show what I have sold each day is a great way to remind me that the ultimate goal is income.
Additionally I like to keep in mind how much I am spending. While I am not exactly extravagant in my purchases, it is important to make sure that I know that I am bringing in more than is going out!
Printable Daily Planner Page Wrapup
These printable planner pages are great for Staples ARC notebooks or DIY binders. They print out in 8.5X11 letter sized pages and are extremely useful and effective.
If you like these but would like to have your own tasks in the To Dos for todays area, I am happy to take custom orders at my Etsy shop! Just send me a convo and we can work together to make you a perfect planner!
[…] use a daily planner worksheet that has big area for writing down my top 10 affirmations […]