An artist passionate about bullet journals provides a collection of monthly symbols, goals icons and ideas for everyone to use for their journals. There are helpful tips included along with hand drawn symbols to use as inspiration.

- How to Create a Bullet Journal Symbol Key
- A Word About Your Drawing Skills
- Bullet Journal Symbols for Self-Care
- Bullet Journal Symbols For Mood Tracking
- Bullet Journal Symbols for Goal Setting
- Bullet Journal Symbols for Moms
- Bullet Journal Symbols for Pets
- Bullet Journal Symbols for Fitness
- Bullet Journal Symbols for Cleaning
- Bullet Journal Symbols for Authors and Readers
- Bullet Journal Symbols for Etsy Sellers and Ecommerce
- Bullet Journal Symbols for Marketing
- Monthly Bullet Journal Symbols
- Bullet Journal Symbols Wrapup
Bullet journaling has become an increasingly popular method of staying organized, motivated, and creative. It is a highly customizable system that empowers individuals to create a tailor-made planner that satisfies their personal preferences and goals.
One of the key elements of bullet journaling is the use of symbols, which can help you quickly and easily understand your journal entries.
As a visual person, I LOVE having the little symbols to see at a glance what was happening or what I have planned for the day!
How to Create a Bullet Journal Symbol Key
Start with the basics….. begin by choosing simple bullet journal symbols that represent the most common tasks or events in your daily life. For example, a dot can represent a task, a circle can represent an event, and a dash can represent a note.
In addition to the basic symbols you have established in your journal, you may find it helpful to incorporate additional symbols to represent specific tasks, events, or habits. This can further enhance your organization and productivity.
For instance, you might consider using a heart symbol to indicate self-care tasks, a lightbulb symbol for ideas, or a dollar sign to track your finances. By customizing your symbols in this way, you can create a system that works best for you and helps you achieve your goals.
Keep it simple: Remember, the goal of a bullet journal key page is to simplify your journal entries, so it's important to keep your symbols simple and easy to remember. Avoid using too many symbols or overcomplicating your key.
You can also use your bullet journal code to color code your entries… I did all of these bujos keys in black but you could for sure use color to make your bullet journal system even fancier!
A Word About Your Drawing Skills
I know that many of my peeps are worried that their drawing skills are not good enough to be a bullet journaler. With that in mind I have made the bullet journal symbol designs as simple as possible.
The other thing to remember is that, like everything, your skills at drawing will get better each time you do it so don't get bummed out if your symbols don't look perfect right off the bat.
Oh, oh, oh, and KNOW that I draw my symbols in pencil first and then draw over them in ink so don't freak out about whether you erase a bunch or not!
Okey, doke….. let's do this thing!
Bullet Journal Symbols for Self-Care
- Heartbeat: Represents physical activity
- Water droplet: Represents hydration
- Sheep: Represents rest or sleep goals
- Sun: Represents spending time outdoors
- Meditating person: Represents mindfulness practices

Bullet Journal Symbols For Mood Tracking
- Sun: represents feeling happy and content
- Cloud: represents feeling sad or down
- Thunderstorm: represents feeling angry or frustrated
- Heart: represents feeling in love or loved
- Star: represents feeling inspired or creative
- Bomb: represents feeling stressed or overwhelmed
- Flower: represents feeling hopeful or optimistic
- Candle: represents feeling calm or peaceful
- Lightning bolt: represents feeling energetic or motivated

Bullet Journal Symbols for Goal Setting
- Bullseye: Represents a major achievement
- Upward arrow: Represents progress or growth
- Trophy: Represents a successful achievement
- Exclamation Point: Represents a business breakthrough
- Stopwatch: Represents deadlines or time-based goals

Bullet Journal Symbols for Moms
- Pacifier: represents feeding
- Heart with an arrow: represents date night or alone time with partner
- Medical Cross: represents appointments with OB/GYN or midwife
- Baby's footprints: represents baby's growth milestones
- Shopping cart: represents baby supplies shopping
- Cross: represents prayer or church service attendance
- Cup of coffee: represents “me” time
- Jack: represents time with your child

Bullet Journal Symbols for Pets
- Paw print: represents feeding
- Heart: represents quality time with your pet
- Fish: represents feeding and cleaning for fish tanks
- Bone: represents training sessions
- Ball: represents playtime
- Medicine bottle: represents medication or vaccination reminders
- Car: represents taking your pet on a trip or car ride
- Medical Cross: represents vet appointments
- Bath: represents bath time

Bullet Journal Symbols for Fitness
- Water drop: represents water intake
- Running shoes: represents cardio exercise
- Dumbbell: represents strength training
- Lotus flower: represents yoga or stretching
- Bed: represents a rest day
- Apple: represents healthy meals
- Ruler: represents weight or measurements
- Trophy: represents challenges completed

Bullet Journal Symbols for Cleaning
- Broom: Represents sweeping or cleaning tasks
- Vacuum: Represents vacuuming tasks
- Sponge: Represents wiping or cleaning tasks
- Trash can: Represents decluttering or throwing away tasks
- Cleaning spray bottle: Represents deep cleaning or sanitizing tasks
- Mop: Represents mopping or cleaning floors

Bullet Journal Symbols for Authors and Readers
- Pen: Represents writing tasks or ideas
- Open book: Represents reading goals or book clubs
- Pencil: Represents editing or proofreading tasks
- Glasses: Represents research or reading sessions
- Exclamation point: Represents creativity or inspiration for writing
- Stack of books: Represents completed books

Bullet Journal Symbols for Etsy Sellers and Ecommerce
- Shopping cart: Represents orders or sales
- Money bag: Represents income or revenue
- Package: Represents shipping or packaging
- Social media icons: Represents marketing or social media engagement
- Camera: Represents product design or photography
- Conveyor belt: Represents order fulfillment or tracking

Bullet Journal Symbols for Marketing
- Megaphone: Represents advertising or promotion
- Hashtag: Represents social media marketing or branding
- Email envelope: Represents email marketing or newsletters
- Analytics graph: Represents tracking or analyzing data
- People holding hands: Represents networking or partnership opportunities
- Globe: Represents website design or updates

Monthly Bullet Journal Symbols
I love having special symbols for each month of the year! Here are some fun bullet journal symbols for every month.
Bullet Journal Symbols for January
- Snowflake: Represents winter activities or events
- Mug: Represents hot drinks or cozy moments
- Calendar: Represents new year's resolutions or planning for the year ahead
- Ski: Represents winter sports or activities
- Fireworks: Represents New Year's Eve celebrations
- Sofa: Represents staying warm and comfortable

Bullet Journal Symbols for February
- Heart: Represents Valentine's Day or self-love activities
- Heart with arrow: Represents romantic goals or activities
- Flower: Represents flowers or romantic gestures
- Envelope: Represents sending love letters or cards
- Cake: Represents celebrating milestones or special events

Bullet Journal Symbols for March
- Clover: Represents St. Patrick's Day or luck
- Pot of gold: Represents financial goals or rewards
- Wind: Represents the start of spring or changing weather
- Kite: Represents outdoor activities or playtime
- Umbrella: Represents rainy or stormy weather

Bullet Journal Symbols for April
- Easter egg: Represents Easter or spring festivities
- Tulip: Represents spring flowers or gardening
- Raindrops: Represents rainy weather
- Butterfly: Represents new beginnings or transformation

Bullet Journal Symbols for May
- Graduation cap: Represents graduation or academic goals
- Sun: Represents sunny weather or outdoor activities
- Bicycle: Represents outdoor activities or exercise
- Picnic basket: Represents outdoor meals or social gatherings

Bullet Journal Symbols for June
- Sun: Represents summer and warm weather
- Beach umbrella: Represents beach or pool activities
- Ice cream: Represents treats or indulgence
- Waves: Represents water sports or activities
- Camera: Represents travel or vacation
- Pool: Represents swimming activities or family fun

Bullet Journal Symbols for July
- Fireworks: Represents Independence Day or summer celebrations
- Grill: Represents outdoor cooking or barbecue events
- Swim suit: Represents water activities or events
- Star: Represents summer night activities or events
- Sunglasses: Represents sunny weather or outdoor activities

Bullet Journal Symbols for August
- Ice cream: Represents treats or indulgence
- Suitcase: Represents travel or vacation
- Sun hat: Represents sunny weather or outdoor activities
- Beach umbrella: Represents beach or pool activities
- Sunflower: Represents late summer blooms or gardening
- Watermelon: Represents summer treats or picnics

Bullet Journal Symbols for September
- Apple: Represents back-to-school or fall festivities
- Book: Represents studying or reading goals
- Pumpkin: Represents fall or Halloween
- Sweater: Represents cooler weather or fall fashion
- Football: Represents sports or outdoor activities
- Leaves: Represents fall foliage or outdoor activities

Bullet Journal Symbols for October
- Jack-o'-lantern: Represents Halloween or fall festivities
- Bat: Represents Halloween or spooky activities
- Ghost: Represents Halloween or spooky activities
- Candy corn: Represents Halloween or fall treats
- Witch's hat: Represents Halloween or spooky activities
- Harvest moon: Represents fall weather or outdoor activities

Bullet Journal Symbols for November
- Leaves: Represents fall foliage or outdoor activities
- Football: Represents sports or outdoor activities
- Grateful heart: Represents gratitude or thankfulness
- Pie: Represents Thanksgiving or fall treats
- Acorn: Represents fall foliage or outdoor activities

Bullet Journal Symbols for December
- Christmas tree: Represents Christmas or holiday festivities
- Snowman: Represents winter activities or events
- Dollar sign: Represents financial goals for the season
- Gift: Represents gift-giving or holiday shopping
- Holly: Represents Christmas or winter foliage
- Candle: Represents holiday decor or winter ambiance
- Champagne: Represents New Year's Eve or holiday celebrations

Bullet Journal Symbols Wrapup
In conclusion, bullet journal symbols can be a powerful tool for organization, goal-setting, and self-care PLUS they can take your planning beyond just a basic bullet journal.
By using simple symbols and icons, you can quickly and easily track a wide range of activities, thoughts, and emotions. Whether you're a busy professional, a student, a parent, or a pet owner, there are plenty of bullet journal symbols to suit your needs.
Don't be afraid to experiment and create your own symbols that are meaningful and helpful to you. With a little practice and creativity, you can make your bullet journal an indispensable tool for staying organized and achieving your goals.