I am a little obsessed with having the perfect planner dashboard, you know that page or two that is the “command center” for your planner!
With that in mind, I have scoured the web for all kinds of cool suggestions to include in your planner dashboard AND categorized them into handy dandy sections to make things easy.
Related Post: 12 Super Fun Dashboard Ideas For Your Planner
Planner Sticky Bits
The cool thing about having a planner is how fun and colorful you can make it (I am a color-coding junky and have different colors for all the different parts of my life!)
Here are some great ideas for kinds of stickers and embellishments you can use in your planner.
- Stickers
- Sticky notes
- Washi tape
- Flags
I love how Bari Lee used a Dollar Store cutting mat to make this “sticky” dashboard! PLUS she uses it to be a page holder in her planner.
To Dos Pads
One thing I LOVE is having sticky todo lists in my planner so I can pop in a to do list on my weekly spread page, check things off and then toss that tiny little sheet when I am done.
For me this works SO much better than having to have a separate to do list on a paper pad that is not in my planner.
Emily from the Chic Couple is a girl after my own heart with this dashboard that has all to-do notes.
A cool thing to have is a checklist style dashboard that you can use all week/month, checking off when you get things done and then just wiping it and starting over!
This one from the Small Box of Treasure is a laminated checklist that has BOTH a meal plan and a checklist… wicked cool!
I know that you could just print these out weekly instead of having a laminated version, but having used both I know that this kind got used A LOT and if I had to print it out I tended to not have it when I needed it!
Laminated Checklist Ideas
- Road trip essentials
- Travel / luggage checklist
- Cleaning checklist
- Bills
- Holiday shopping
- Birthdays / Christmas presents
- Grocery shopping
- Meal planning
- Daily/Weekly/Monthly checklists
- Party planning
Clear Overlay Planner Dashboards
If you have a regular schedule that is the same week after week, it is great to have an overlay for your weekly spread that “fills in” the days without you having to do the same appointments over and over.
For example, we have a pretty set schedule for the two haves of the school year. In the fall the kids have football and school volleyball practice and in the spring club volleyball and lacrosse. The Practices are on the same days at the same times each week!

Clear Password Overlays
- Work schedule
- Class schedule
- Kids practices
- Meal for the week
- Client appointments
Personalize my planner has a great video explaining exactly how to do this kind of overlay dashboard.
What To Put On Your Planner Dashboard Wrapup
I feel like I got a bunch of new cool ideas for planner dashboards while I was researching this post. I have a few I love and think my next ones will be overlays to “save time” for my family and work. For example, I want to block out Saturdays for my kids and at least two morning a week to write blog posts. If I have that kind of overlay, I can know right away that that that time is taken already!
I already have the “stickys” dashboard and love having those kinds of notes and flags available wherever I am working on my planner WITHOUT having to lug around a little sack of stuff to route through!
Let me know if you see anything I have missed, drop me a comment and let me know!