In life, and in business, there never seems to be enough time in the day. Things to be done, people to help, places to be. There is a way to make your life a bit easier, while getting all those things done that MUST be accomplished.
The first thing you need to do is stop and breathe
Being overwhelmed won't help you figure out your priorities, because it makes everything seem like a priority. So take a step back and stop. Then start a list. Write down everything. Then put the list down and breathe again. It's time to start asking yourself some important questions about your priorities.
- What is on the list that is a requirement for your business?
- What is on the list that is something necessary for YOU?
- What is on the list that will make you money?
- What is on the list that was a request from someone else as a favor?
- What is on the list that is being done for free to help someone else?
- What is on the list that will lose money?
Use these questions to help you prioritize your list!
The top of the list should include those items that will benefit your business: the money makers, the things that are necessary to complete the requirements of your business. Next should be items that benefit you. Bottom of the list should be freebies, favors and money losers.

Now start cutting things off the list, starting at the bottom
Will it be difficult? Yes. People will be upset that you aren't putting their needs above yours. Stand firm. That is probably the most difficult thing to do. Most people want to be helpful to others. If it's done at the expense of your business and health, it's not worth it.
Make a priority order
So now you have a list of things you have to do is some kind of priority order. So grab your calendar and start scheduling your time. A list can still be overwhelming. However, if you block out time you may find that you have less to do than you thought.
Mostly, scheduling out your time will give you a better sense of control over your time and what you do with it. You may also find that you do have time to add back in some of the bottom of the list things. But it's your choice. Be sure to schedule time for yourself as well. If you don't take care of yourself, you can't help anyone else.
Another things to do is to remove the “time sucks” from your day
These are things that distract you from your tasks. Start with television. It is a huge time suck. Same with games, online or otherwise. It is very easy to tell yourself you will play for a few minutes and look up to find that you've wasted an hour. Don't web surf unless you need to do so for the tasks at hand. Social media is another huge time suck. Don't be on it during your business day unless it specifically has to do with the business. Set a timer if you aren't sure you'll stick to the time limit for business social networking. Better yet, hire someone to do it for you! That's not to say that the “time sucks” don't have a place, just not during the time you should be concentrating on your business
Lastly, learn how to say NO
Say no to the time sucks. Say no to the favors. Say not to the freebies. Say no to things that don't benefit you and your business. Most importantly, say no to the idea that you can't be in control of your life and business. You can. Now, go and do it!